Over ten years ago I sat down and wrote about a dream that I had. A lot of writers will tell you this. Waking up in the middle of the night in a sweat, reaching for a pen and paper or maybe even waking their spouse and filling their groggy ears with ramblings or a scrambled idea.
The following morning on a Friday I sat down at my typewriter and started to type. I didn’t sleep until Monday morning when I could type “The End” to a very rough manuscript. And then it sat on a shelf, yellowing and collecting dust until I decided it was finally time.
After hours of rewrite and editing, Kiwa is ready to start her adventure.
A famous author once said and I paraphrase: “There is no one in this world that sees words. Every one “sees” pictures in their mind.” A story when read can be a magical journey of one’s mind, and the story is different for each individual. My wish is for anyone that reads Kiwa and the books to follow will write their own “movie” in their mind and take Kiwa to places that no one could even dream about.

I give you Kiwa. A sweet young dolphin and her many friends.
May the story inspire you, make you laugh and maybe bring a tear or two.